Thursday, December 9, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010
Mexican and Japanese people of the 50's

This is a Japanese house wife. Still abiding by the American 1950's gender roles.

These are men that are working on a film crew.

Japanese prostitutes.

A lovely Japanese pinup girl.

A Mexican woman in 1960. Lookin' so beautiful!

A dance in Mexico.

Mexican American mother and daughter.

...And apparently there is a Rockabilly scene in Tokyo, too. That's pretty awesome!

Saturday, October 2, 2010
It was a graveyard smash!
I am getting jealous of the Halloween decorations that all you lovely bloggers are putting up. I've made it a goal to collect more while I'm out thrifting/ yard sailing. Since I don't have cool retro decorations, I thought I'd talk about one of my favorite things about Halloween.
Of course, I just love Bobby Boris Pickett's "Monster Mash". I was just about the only kid on the block who prefered doo wop, 50's-60's music and rockabilly jams at the age of five. Both of my parents were into the Pachuco style, so of course I inherited their great taste in music. Given that ... Monster Mash was always an October hit in our record player.
I was listening to other covers (including Misfits) and there is nothing like the original. 'Tis the best!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Kitchen Table
So, right when I moved into my new house I picked this baby up at a yard sale for 20 buckaroos. The chairs were in terrible condition and needed to be reupholstered, but 20 bucks for a 1958 formica dinette was just too good to pass.
I am usually a very comitted gal and I loved the table dearly, but I just couldn't help myself from having a wandering eye. When I stumbled across an ad for a "retro table" on Craigslist in a nearby town I knew that I had to check it out. The photos weren't that good, but I could already feel the strong connection between the table and I.
I drove 45 minutes with my good friend Jenn to check the table out and as soon as I saw it I knew that it was love at first sight. I seriously got emotional because it was the most beautiful table I'd ever seen.
The table was was purchased by the mother of the woman who was selling it. Her husband only wanted new things in their home and said that this outdated table had to go. *swoops*
I bought this step stool at Goodwill for 10 dollars, so that my table can have a matching friend in the house. Isn't it a cutie?
Oh, and don't worry about my last table. I sold her to a nice lady from Craigslist and they hit it off right away. Happy endings all around!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wear ever cookie press and frosting tips

Thursday, September 23, 2010
party ware
Eventually I will have an awesome set like this --- except mine will probably be mismatched because I'm not tryin' to spend $230 :
This is one of my favorite sets that I have for sale. If I collected orange dishware, I'd totally want to keep it. I love Birds of Paradise!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I love to dance!
Phat Cat Swinger - Rock Around the Clock / Video by Vim Crony from Vim Crony on Vimeo.
Here are some of my favorite dance videos to get you inspired to come out and dance with me:
Lindy Hop - this is so flippin' intense. Could you imagine moving your body like that?
This 50's swing video is pretty awesome. I love all of the clips.
Lastly, I'd like to share this jitter bug silly instructional video. It is very cute!
Monday, September 20, 2010
I'm a hustler baby, I just want you to know ...
Here are some photos:
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Life Magazine 1955-1965
Monday, August 30, 2010
recent kitchenware finds
I found this Pyrex dish for five bucks at an estate sale not too long ago. It came with a darling stand to warm up whatever you prepared. I don't know too much about vintage Pyrex or serial numbers, but I just love this color.
On Saturday I met this really awesome guy that was also a collector. He was a having a yard sale for all of the things that he hadn't been able to sell on EBay and I bet he racked in the dough. We chatted a bit and he invited me in to show me all of the awesome furniture that he and his partner had found at flea markets, yard sales, etc. They seriously have a great eye! Anyway, while in his house I saw this cute dish and he said he really didn't want it anymore and sold it to me for $2. It is going to look great on a coffee table (if I can ever afford one). :)
I found a bowl, and two plates in this pattern for 50 cents total. It matches a recent Goodwill find of the cups and saucers. The brand is Taylor Smith and Taylor and the I've seen the design called "Jamaica Bay" and "Cathay". If you know the difference, please share.
Patrick and I drove to Placerville yesterday and stopped at some yard sales. I found this for 50 cents. I'm not sure what I am going to do with it. Maybe use it for lemonade? Iced tea? The possibilities are endless.
vintage reading material
This one is pretty funky. How to protect yourself against invaders. One day I'll get a scanner and share it all with you guys.
Happy Thrifters United
Games I've found recently:
I found this 1963 version of Clue at the Goodwill Outlet for a dollar. All of the pieces (including the instructions) are still in the box and it is in pretty good condition for having lived "the bins".
I found this 1961 edition of Monopoly at an estate sale for two bucks yesterday. It has all the pieces. The people holding the estate sale put tape all over the box and it caused some damage, but I tried to salvage as much as I could have. There is no huge damage.
I found this 1964 Parcheesi game at the Goodwill for 49 cents. The box could be in better condition but it was only 49 cents. Can anyone teach me how to play? :)